If you find yourself having financial difficulty during this stressful time of Covid 19, you’re not alone. In fact the Bank of Canada has found that household debt has risen as a result of covid.
You have options
You may have already done your homework and realized that you need to speak to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. With all the restrictions currently in place you may be wondering how you might be able to connect with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee during this time? Or worried that you won’t receive personal attention if you have to chat by phone, or relay your details by email? Rest assured….we have ‘pivoted’ with the best of them, and our team is able to reach out to you, wherever you are.
What to expect when you talk to us
If you are looking for financial help, financial counselling or a free consultation with our Trustee, you can expect:
- A reply by email, phone, or text in a prompt manner – whatever method you prefer to reach out with, we will get back to you! You can fill in our online contact form, give us a call, or even text us, and we will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible.
- To be treated kindly – everyone is under a significant amount of stress, and we understand finances have been challenging. Many people we have spoken to since the start of COVID never expected to be in financial trouble – it’s fair to say the financial implications of the pandemic caught everyone by surprise.
What if I need to file something right away?
- We will meet with you to discuss your options, and your consultation will be FREE. While we are following public health orders and protecting our team by holding our consultations virtually, we would love to connect with you by phone or video, at a time that is convenient for you. The benefit for you is that you don’t have to wait until we are back ‘in the office’ – we never left! All consultations for our Manitoba and Northwest Territories offices are being held virtually, so we can usually meet with you within 24 hours of your initial inquiry, and sometimes less.
- We can file a bankruptcy, a consumer proposal, a Division 1 proposal, or schedule you an appointment to meet with our financial counsellor. We use digital signatures for most of our documents, and are able to virtually witness your paperwork. That way you don’t experience any delay in getting garnishments stopped, or in being able to open a new bank account.
We understand these times are challenging for everyone, and being in financial difficulty only magnifies the stress. Our team works in partnership with you to help you understand your options, determine your course of action, and find financial freedom.