What is a credit rating and does filing bankruptcy affect your credit?I’m Crystal Buhler, Licensed Insolvency Trustee with C. Buhler & Associates Ltd. One of the most common questions we hear when people are considering a bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal is “how...
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Benefits Of Bankruptcy
Are you experiencing issues with your finances? It’s never easy. When combing through the alternatives, those struggling with their financial situation often ask if bankruptcy is the best option. While everyone experiences different financial difficulties, filing for...
Three Common Misconceptions About Bankruptcy In Canada
You might be absolutely positive you don’t want to file for bankruptcy in Canada. But if that’s the case, be sure it’s for the right reasons. There are many preconceived notions about bankruptcy that might be deterring you from even considering bankruptcy as a...
Pros and Cons of Filing Bankruptcy in Canada
Whether you're an individual or a business owner, one way or another, you will have some form of debt at a certain point in your life. However, when debt spirals out of control or you are no longer able to meet your financial obligations, it can quickly turn into a...
Why Do You Need To Change Bank Accounts after Filing a Consumer Proposal or a Bankruptcy?
After filing for Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal in Winnipeg, the Trustee will often recommend that you change bank accounts. Why is that? There are a few reasons, which we will outline below for you. Why do I need to change bank accounts after I’ve filed a Consumer...
Will Bankruptcy affect my spouse?
If I file for Bankruptcy what will happen to my spouse? It is a common concern that we see, if someone files for bankruptcy that it will negatively affect their spouse. You may be worried that they will be forced into bankruptcy as well. You may worry that your...
Need to file Bankruptcy but worried about your credit score?
I need to file Bankruptcy but I'm worried about my Credit Score A common question that we hear is what will a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal do to a person’s credit score. If you are in financial trouble and have missed payments, or are exhibiting the symptoms of...
Bankruptcy in Manitoba
How to File for Bankruptcy in Manitoba If you want to file bankruptcy in Brandon and other areas in Manitoba, your first call should be to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. In Manitoba, Licensed Insolvency Trustees are the only professionals who are able to file a...
Corporate Bankruptcy
Do I need to file a corporate bankruptcy, a personal bankruptcy, or both? Only a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) can tell you for sure if you need to file a corporate bankruptcy or personal or both. Recognizing how intertwined they can be, a LIT will review the...