Borrowing money isn’t a bad thing. Credit card debt can be paid off monthly, and car loans and mortgages are essential for most of us. These aren’t debt traps. When you get caught off guard by hidden charges, hefty application fees, and new loans to pay off old ones,...
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Common Misconceptions About Licensed Insolvency Trustees In Calgary
A Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT)—formerly known as a Bankruptcy Trustee—is an expert in debt solutions. They are licensed by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. When you work with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee, you’re working with a qualified, highly...
The Difference Between Secured & Unsecured Debts & Loans
Approximately one-third of Canadians live completely debt free. But if you are carrying debt or considering taking on debt, you're certainly not alone. Between mortgages, car loans, personal loans, and more, the average Canadian owes more than $73,000. In total,...
How To Avoid Financial Fraud
Financial scams are everywhere. With the advent of the internet, we’re more connected than ever—and that means that fraudsters have more potential victims than ever. The best way to avoid financial fraud is to stay informed—by reading this, you’re already...
How To Avoid Bankruptcy & Excessive Debt
While many Canadians struggle with debt, filing for bankruptcy should be your last resort. Our certified Credit Counsellors often educate debtors about different ways you can work to reduce your debt without filing for bankruptcy. If you are struggling with your debt...
Why Your Credit Score Isn’t Worth Obsessing Over
Maintaining an impeccable credit score takes a lot of work. Not only does it affect your bottom line and lifestyle, but it can impact many factors like insurance premiums and mortgage rates. Credit scores are incredibly important, and while you should regularly...
Licensed Insolvency Trustee Consults With An Influx Of Business Owners As Budget Season Approaches
CALGARY, Alberta: With federal budget season fast approaching, C. Buhler & Associates Ltd., a federally licensed Insolvency firm serving the three Prairie provinces and the three Northern Territories, is receiving an influx of requests from small business owners...
How To Stop Wage Garnishment In Manitoba
Those experiencing wage garnishment in Manitoba may face financial hardship, especially if they’re already behind on repaying their debts. A creditor can issue a garnishment to ensure a debt is paid in full. Wage garnishments can make it difficult to keep up with...
How To File A Consumer Proposal
The overwhelming stress associated with how much debt you have is never an easy thing to bear. No matter how hard you try to plan a course correction, things get in the way. But did you know there’s a way to solve your financial situation? Consider the help of a...