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Find a wide selection of articles and videos about credit score, declaring bankruptcy, consumer proposals, and what a Licensed Insolvency Trustee is exactly.

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How To Protect Your Assets During Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy is a last resort—Canadians should only file for bankruptcy if there is no other way to repay their creditors. Often, other approaches are preferable; consumer proposals, debt consolidation, and shrewd financial planning can all help you protect...

Student Loans & Bankruptcy: What You Need To Know

Canadians looking to fund their post-secondary education often rely on student loans. Most people see a student loan, even though a hefty sum, as an investment in their future. With rising tuition fees and all associated costs, students can land in overwhelming...

How To Pay Off Your Medical Bills

As Canadians, our healthcare is mostly covered by Provincial programs or, in certain cases, federal benefits such as the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) . However, not all medical procedures are covered services, resulting in certain medical bills that must be...

Does Divorce Affect Your Credit Score?

Divorce doesn’t directly affect your credit score. Creditors and credit monitoring agencies don’t take your marital status into account when calculating your credit score or when calculating how much credit you’ll be allotted.   Despite this, many divorcees feel...

A Guide To Debt Relief Programs In Canada

Are you dealing with significant debt that makes you feel like you will never work your way out from under the financial situation you have ended up in? You need to know how to access debt relief programs. Canada has plenty of options to help you create debt...

How To Avoid Debt Relief Scams In Winnipeg

When you’re overwhelmed by debt, any hand that reaches out to help can seem like a relief. You might get a phone call from a company offering to reduce your debt, stop collection calls, and help you take control of your finances—all for a manageable fee. The...

Exploring Debt Relief Alternatives To Bankruptcy

Are you feeling overwhelmed by debt and tired of being hounded by creditors night and day? Financial issues can be one of the most stressful problems in your life, but filing for bankruptcy might not be the best solution. It’s important to know that there are...