Suggestions to pay off debt in an efficient, and quick manner as possible.
Learning Library
Find a wide selection of articles and videos about credit score, declaring bankruptcy, consumer proposals, and what a Licensed Insolvency Trustee is exactly.
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Worried about Finances
Some ideas to help reduce the stress and worry about finances during this difficult period of isolation due to COVID 19.
Is a Consumer Proposal worth it?
What is a Consumer Proposal We often hear the question, “Is a Consumer Proposal worth it?” Let’s define exactly what a Consumer Proposal is. Per the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (the OSB) they define it as follows. “A consumer proposal is a formal,...
Corporate Bankruptcy
Do I need to file a corporate bankruptcy, a personal bankruptcy, or both? Only a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT) can tell you for sure if you need to file a corporate bankruptcy or personal or both. Recognizing how intertwined they can be, a LIT will review the...
Filing Bankruptcy in Manitoba or NWT
Is Bankruptcy the right choice for you? Filing Bankruptcy can be a difficult decision to make. It's important to seek advice from a professional who understands the process, and how to help you. That's why we offer free consultations with our Licensed Insolvency...
Changing bank accounts after filing bankruptcy is a good idea
We discuss why it is a good idea to change bank accounts when filing a bankruptcy.
Creditors still calling after filing a bankruptcy or consumer proposal?
Can creditors keep calling me after I’ve filed a bankruptcy (or proposal)? They said they didn’t get the papers from my Trustee, and won’t stop calling until they do! Once a proceeding has been filed with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee, which could be either a...
Why does a consumer proposal show as a bankruptcy on my credit report?
This is a brief explanation of why a credit report can show incorrect information and where to go to fix that information.
Repaying National Student Loan debt
Options to deal with National Student Loan debt.